Size Queen Phone Sex: A Cuckoldress’s Confessions

size queen phone sex
So you’ve been anxiously awaiting this post, haven’t you, the confessions of a true size Queen phone sex Goddess? Well, you don’t have to wait any more, sweetheart. Here it is, live and in living color!

You’re Not Ready For This Shocker About Dick Size

I’m going to tell all you would-be cuckolds and stags something you’re probably not ready to hear. But it’s the truth, and you deserve to hear the truth. Everyone else has lied to you, guys, but Miss Adrienne is about to spit some cold, hard truth to you.

The truth of the matter is, just because you have a big dick doesn’t mean you’re good at sex.

Everyone thinks that size is the deciding factor, but it’s not. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I want to fuck a small dick. I don’t. But what I do want is someone who has a large dick who also knows how to use it. It’s possible to be blessed by the Lord, as it were, and still have no clue what you’re doing with it. Usually, these poor souls can be taught, luckily, but I’m not always in the mood to teach, you know? Sometimes, I just want to lie back and enjoy myself.

More Size Queen Phone Sex Truths

Now, just having a big dick doesn’t make you good at sex. However, does that mean that you can be badly-endowed and be good at sex? Well, quite frankly, no. You need to have a reasonable amount of dick to be considered good at it. But “a reasonable amount” counts as about six inches. Mind you, that’s a little small for my taste, but those of you with average cock sizes can rejoice: You can be considered good at sex by someone who’s not a size Queen phone sex Goddess like me. But if you want to be considered good at it by yours truly, you gotta bring at least seven inches. That’s just how it is.

But in addition to having a seven inch plus dick and being able to wield your sword well, you’ve also got to be devoid of any dick defects that might hamper your performance. So that means if you struggle with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or anything like that, you cannot be considered good at sex, either, even if your dick is a nice size and you know what you’re doing with it. Go get your medical issues checked out and sorted out, though, and you can find yourself back in the “good at it” category.

Cuckolds, You Are Not Totally Useless

Now that I’ve laid out what makes a man good at fucking, I feel like I should take a moment to say that all you cuckold phone sex guys are not totally hopeless. I mean, no, if you have a small dick and/or don’t know what you’re doing with it, I’m not going to fuck you. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a role to play in the bedroom of a hot wife phone sex Goddess like me.

You can be the creampie cleanup boy, for instance, or the fluffer boy. You can be a sissy cuckold that my bull and I can laugh at. Or possible a chastity cuckold. Or even better, a diaper cuckold. Those are the funniest ones of all!

Would you like to hear some more confessions of a size Queen phone sex lady like myself? If so, click one of the buttons below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call for some hot phone sex fun. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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Interracial Cuckold Phone Sex: Cucking You With All Races!

interracial cuckold phone sex
Do you dream of interracial cuckold phone sex with a hot mature lady like me? Of course you do! That practically goes without saying, doesn’t it?

Let me ask you another question. When you think about interracial cuckolding, you always imagine big Black cock phone sex, don’t you? You think nothing could be more embarrassing than having your little dick shown up by a BBC. But I’m here to tell you that you might be wrong about that….

Interracial Cuckold Phone Sex Could Be With Any Race

By now, most people have figured out that Black men tend to be better lovers than men of other races, even when you discount the size of their big cocks. But what if I told you that’s not always the case? That there are, in fact, good lovers and big dicks among all the races of the world? You might not think that’s as sexy as BBC cuckolding, but allow me a moment to change your mind.

When it comes to interracial cuckold phone sex, it’s unnecessary for a guy to be of any particular race. As long as he’s something that I’m not (which, of course, is white), then it totally counts. And it can be just as emasculating and put you in your place just as much as being cucked by a Black guy. I’ve seen it happen a number of times. Guys expect a BBC, get an Indian guy with a big one instead, and then nearly die from being outfucked by an Indian guy, lol, They never even consider it as a possibility until it happens to them!

Big Black Cock Is Wonderful

Now, don’t get me wrong here. Big Black cock is wonderful, and I’m certainly not suggesting we Cuckoldresses shift our attention from it. Definitely not. What I’m suggesting instead is that we learn to see the beauty (and the size!) in our brethren who are different shades of brown. I’m talking Latino men, Asian men, Indian men (yes, I realize they are also Asian, lol), Native American men, and so forth.

Big cocks occur in every population. That’s just how it is. And people everywhere enjoy interracial sex. (If you don’t believe me, check out the gorgeous Black ladies with big white dick on XVideos or wherever you get your porn.) So I’m thinking we should branch out a little with our thinking when we talk about interracial cuckold phone sex. We should definitely include Black men in this, but also other races, too!

The Stereotype Of The Asian With A Small Cock

Nobody ever believes this hot wife phone sex lady when I tell them that one of the largest cocks I’ve ever seen belonged to a Vietnamese-American man. He was absolutely sexy as hell, and he had the dick to match! Needless to say, he was impeccable in bed, and he is one of the lovers I miss most. I met him at the nail salon, and he ended up moving to Texas, which is entirely too bad for me and great for all the ladies in Texas, lol.

So I want you to think about your interracial cuckold phone sex fantasies for a little while. Imagine subbing in a hot Asian guy instead of your usual Black guy. Think how embarrassing it would be to be outclassed in the dick department by a guy that society usually tells you would be shrimp-dicked. The stereotypes are not always true, and bucking them is both fun for me and humiliating for you.

If you’d like to discuss your interracial cuckold phone sex fantasies, I’d love to hear from you! Just click one of the buttons below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call today!

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Creampie Phone Sex: Cleaning Up After I’ve Been Pleasured

creampie phone sex
Hey there, creampie phone sex lovers. I wanted to talk to you guys a little today about creampies and about how they get there. In other words, I wanted to talk about my favorite subject–cuckolding!

Basing My Sessions On My Cuckolding Adventures

Cuckold phone sex, as I’m sure you know by now, is one of my specialties for a reason. And that reason is mostly that it’s something I enjoy very much, and I’ve done it so long that I’m extremely good at it.

Now, I’ll be the first to say that my relationship with my husband is more a stag/Vixen relationship, rather than a pure cuckold one. I still have sex with my husband, you see. He has a decent-sized dick. He doesn’t disappoint me in bed at all. I just have a taste for larger ones sometimes, and he likes to witness it. Hence, we’re swingers.

I base most of my cuckold phone sex sessions on my real-life experiences with my husband. Therefore, if you’re looking for a mean Cuckoldress or someone who really wants to humiliate you, you’re barking up the wrong tree. For me, being a hot wife phone sex lady is all about a loving relationship between the stag and the Vixen, first and foremost.

Taking Pleasure As A Hot Wife

So if you would like to be my cuck, these are things you should keep in mind. I might tease you a bit, but I’m not going to go far down the humiliation rabbit hole because it’s not my thing. It’s great for people who enjoy it, but I personally like my interactions to be more respectful.

I know a guy like you, if you’re still reading, wants a girl like me to be sexually satisfied, even if you’re not the one to do it. It gives you pleasure to see me take pleasure in my body and another person’s body. You love seeing me in the throes of passion, and who can blame you? It’s such a sexy experience, after all.

I also know that you enjoy participating in some way, even if you’re not the one sticking your dick in me, to put it crassly. And I would never deny you the pleasure of participating, though I may deny you the pleasure of fucking me. I’ll happily include you, as long as you ask me nicely.

Creampie Phone Sex Is Your Destiny

The best way for you to participate is to be the creampie cleanup phone sex boy. There are other ways that you can participate, too, of course, and I’m not ruling those out. But I definitely need a cleanup boy, and you look like just the type for creampie phone sex!

You’ll do such a good job, won’t you? You’ll make sure every drop has been cleaned up from my pussy…or whichever hole I get the creampie(s) in.

I’ll give you plenty of practice, too. All my lovers have plenty of stamina, and sometimes, I invite over more than one at a time. That’ll give you a number of creampies to clean up for creampie phone sex! Sounds lovely, doesn’t it?

Well, honestly, it sounds lovely to me, too. I’m really looking forward to some hot creampie phone sex with you. I’ll do my job, which is to show up and look sexy. My bull will do his job, which is to service me and leave a big load inside me for you to clean up. And you’ll do your job, which is to take care of that creampie with your tongue. Teamwork!

So if you are ready for some hot creampie phone sex, all you’ve got to do is give me, Miss Adrienne, a call by clicking one of the buttons below. Talk to you soon!

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Auntie Phone Sex: Fun Times With The Nieces And Nephews

auntie phone sex
Hi there to all my Auntie phone sex guys and gals out there! How are you all doing today? Well, I hope. And I also hope you’re up for some fun, sexy times with your favorite Aunt, Aunty Adrienne.

A Sleepover With Auntie Adrienne

As Fall approaches (yes, I know it’s technically here, but this is also Alabama, so it’s not cool here yet), I keep thinking of fun ways to enjoy the seasons with my niblings. I’ve been thinking a sleepover with Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris might be in order. I want to invite all the niblings, not just one or two. We’ll have everyone there and have a great time together!

I was thinking maybe a bonfire in the backyard after dinner (after it cools off a bit) might be a lot of fun. We could all gather around it and toast marshmallows and make s’mores. Everyone would have a great time, and we’d eat s’mores til we were stuffed!

Of course, after everyone’s stuffed full of s’mores, they’ll start getting tired. I’ll be happy to help get everyone in bed.

Taboo Incest Fun

Naturally, at Auntie Adrienne’s house, no one is expected to wear pajamas. We all just go to bed naked, in anticipation of the activities that come later. Sometimes, when I’m in the mood for some taboo phone sex fun, I might come into your bedroom and play. Uncle Chris might even accompany me, depending on your proclivities. He is perfectly fine with me playing with you by myself, though.

But this night would be a special night. There’s no sense in everyone going to bed in different beds or different rooms. Why don’t we all pile into Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris’s big king-sized bed for some incest phone sex fun, shall we? I think we should.

I think with all of us there together, there will be more than just regular Auntie phone sex going on. I’m thinking Auntie/nephew, Auntie/niece, Uncle/nephew, Uncle/niece, cousin/cousin, and, of course, Auntie/Uncle sexy times. It’s going to be so exciting, everyone playing with each other and having a fantastic time of it!

What Do You Think Of This Auntie Phone Sex Idea?

So what do you think of this Auntie phone sex idea? Does it sound like fun to you? Because it definitely sounds like fun to me. I really want to try it out soon!

I think it’d make for a fantastic ageplay incest fantasy, don’t you? It’d be so exciting for Uncle Chris and me to coach our niblings on how to play with us and also how to play with each other. Just think of all the possibilities that lie within that idea.

So many cocks to suck, both big and little. So much pussy to eat. So many different holes to stick different appendages in. And so many different ways to play! I love it!

And to be entirely honest, I would love to play this little group sex fantasy out with you. If you’re not into ageplay, that’s fine, too. We can have another adult come and join us with the littler ones. Uncle Chris’s brother may need to come and visit, right? 😉

Or if you do enjoy ageplay, this is the perfect opportunity to play out such a hot Auntie phone sex fantasy with me. I’m really looking forward to making the most of this sexy idea. What do you think? If you’d like to give it a try, why not click one of the buttons below to give me, Auntie Adrienne, a call? I think we’re going to have a great time together!

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BBC Gangbang Phone Sex: A Big Black Cock Blowout!

bbc gangbang phone sex
Are you interested in a BBC gangbang phone sex fantasy? I know I certainly am! These are some of my favorite kinds of fantasies because it means I get to indulge my slutty side, even more so than usual.

Getting The Hot Wife Ready For Her Gangbang

The first thing we’ve got to do is get me ready for my BBC gangbang phone sex session. I’ll let you choose the outfit your hot wife phone sex lady wears for her gangbang. Pick out whatever you like–slutty, classy, a combination of both–anything you want. As long as it looks hot, that’s really all I care about.

While you’re choosing my outfit, I’ll get in there and shower, wash my hair, and shave. Then, you can come in and give me a warm towel (fresh out of the dryer) to help me dry off with. That’s very nice, thank you!

I’ll do my makeup and hair first, and then you can help me get into the outfit you’ve chosen for me. I’ll need you to zip up the back of the dress for me. Maybe you can even help me put on my stockings, too. Then, I’ll slip into my shoes, and I’ll be ready to go!

Checking In With The Big Black Cocks

The next thing we need to do for this BBC gangbang phone sex fantasy is check in with the big Black cock phone sex crew to make sure they’re still going to be able to come over tonight. We won’t get very far without them, after all!

I’ll send a few texts and make sure everything is still on. While I do that, why don’t you go in there and change the sheets on my bed? We’ll probably start out in the living room. But I suspect we’ll migrate up here eventually as the night goes on.

Oh, great, looks like everyone’s still going to be able to come! I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited about this BBC gangbang phone sex session. No matter how many times I do it, I still get butterflies in my stomach from excitement every time.

The BBC Gangbang Phone Sex Fantasy Begins

Well, it’s almost time. I’m going to grab myself a glass of wine. You let them in when they get here. They’ll be arriving separately, so you’ll get to be the butler for the evening.

Oh, my God, look how sexy they all are. They dressed up for the occasion, just like I did, with button-downs rolled up at the sleeves, ties, vests, and dress pants. Very hot. I approve!

You can go and bring us all some drinks. Just ask everyone what they want, and you can go make them for us. I think we’ll sit around and talk and get slightly tipsy beforehand. That always makes the initial first moves much less awkward when they start.

Mmm, now that I’m a little…looser…than I was earlier, I think I would like to go and sit in one of these young men’s laps. I sit down in one guy’s lap and lean in to give another one a nice, long, lingering kiss on the lips. Oh, this is going to be the beginning of a BBC gangbang phone sex fantasy to remember! I can already tell. 😉

So if this sounds like a BBC gangbang phone sex fantasy you would like to continue, why not give me, Miss Adrienne, your mature phone sex Goddess, a call? All you have to do is click one of the buttons below. I really look forward to hearing from you soon. So don’t keep me waiting too long, ok? Talk to you soon!

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Breast Worship Phone Sex: Fun At The Play Party!

breast worship phone sex
Hello, breast worship phone sex lovers! Have I got a story for you! I recently attended a fun play party at the home of one of my dear friends. (Hubby was along, too.)

While I was there, I met a lovely young man who reminded me of many of you who call me for Femdom phone sex. We talked for a while, and then he confessed sheepishly to me that he would love the opportunity to worship my breasts. Well, sign me right up!

Body Worship Sexy Times

I do love body worship and body worship phone sex of all kinds. But I also have to admit that I hold a special place in my heart for breast worship phone sex in particular. I don’t know if it’s because I have such nice boobs, or if it’s because they’re very sensitive and I get so much pleasure out of them, or what. But I am definitely a huge fan. So of course, when this sweet younger guy asked if he could worship my tits, I told him yes!

There was actually a massage table near the back that had been set out for body worship purposes. So we made our way back there toward it. (Hubby came along, too, because he wanted to watch!) I hopped up on the table and lay down on it on my back after removing my shirt and bra. It was time for my new friend to show me what he was made of!

A Session To Make A Breast Worship Phone Sex Lover Proud

All you breast worship phone sex lovers will be glad to know that this guy did you all proud. He took some lotion and used it to massage all of my upper body–my shoulders, chest, breasts, and stomach. It was extremely relaxing and felt amazing. Then, after I was nice and comfy, he turned his attention solely to my titties.

He massaged them some more and teased the nipples. Then, he went down to perform worship with his mouth, too. He kissed every inch of each breast and then suckled on the nipples as well. It was both very pleasant and very arousing, all at the same time.

When he finished, he thanked me for the opportunity to worship me and made to leave. But I stopped him because I knew a job well-done deserved a nice reward. So I wasn’t about to let him leave without getting it!

A Mature Femdom’s Reward

So this time, I had him lie down on the table, after he’d removed his pants and underwear. Then, I used my well-lubed breasts on his hard cock! I know you breast worship phone sex lovers would’ve loved to have been in his position that night! My DDs were wrapped around his cock, as I stroked him up and down. It didn’t take him long before he was cumming all over my breasts!

Of course, I expected him to do cleanup, the same way I expect you cum eating phone sex guys to clean up. But I was not disappointed. As soon as I lifted a breast to his mouth, he started to lick up every drop of his cum like the good boy he was!

I’m really looking forward to meeting up with him again at the next play party! But in the meantime, I’m also in the mood for some breast worship phone sex sessions with you guys. If you think you’d like to play in this way, give your big tit phone sex lady, Miss Adrienne, a call by clicking the button below. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Hot Wife Phone Sex: The Stag And Vixen Relationship

hot wife phone sex
Hey there, guys, are you up for some hot wife phone sex today? It’s certainly been on my mind a lot recently. I’ve been thinking about my relationship with my husband and how it doesn’t really fit the “cuckold” relationship mold. So I thought I’d share a little with y’all about it.

The Difference Between This And Cuckolding

The biggest difference between my relationship–which I call a stag and vixen relationship–and cuckolding is that I still have sex with my husband (and enjoy it immensely!). You see, my husband doesn’t have a small cock. It’s not enormous, but it’s big enough that I’m still happy to play with him. And we have a great, kinky sex life together, too!

He tends to be more submissive, as cuckolds tend to be, but that doesn’t mean he can’t switch for my pleasure if I want him to. He does a fantastic job of giving me the hard, fast, rough sex I sometimes crave. And in return, I give him what he needs, too.

That being said–and remembering this is a hot wife phone sex blog–I do have sex with other men. And my husband does, too! Sometimes, he also has sex with other women, but not quite as frequently as I fuck other guys. This is partly because he’s a little more selective about partners and partly because he’s on the road a lot and doesn’t have time to get into some of the hijinx that I get into myself when I’m home alone. 😉

Our Stag/Vixen Relationship

We actually have a wonderful relationship with each other. We’re swingers, and we’re both bisexual and switches. I, of course, am rarely submissive, except with true Alpha males, but it does happen occasionally. He is a bit more submissive than I am, both with guys and gals, so it works out well.

We host swingers’ parties at our house sometimes. We also attend other people’s parties of that nature…and BDSM parties, too. Yes, I have been to real-life Femdom party with my husband. More than one, actually. It’s the kind of thing that Femdom phone sex lovers dream about!

Hubby Loves My Hot Wife Phone Sex Calls

One thing my husband really loves that I do are my hot wife phone sex calls. He loves being out on the road and hearing about my phone sessions. Truly, he enjoys all of them, but his favorites are the ones that involve him sharing me with others. He loves doing it in real life, and he loves when I roleplay it over the phone, too. I truly do love that man!

But that doesn’t mean I’m not up for fucking around on him whenever possible. I do it, and he loves it. Can’t get enough, really. He loves hearing my real-life stories, just like he loves hearing my hot wife phone sex stories. It always brings a smile to both our faces when I tell him about my newest conquest.

So if you’ve ever wondered if a stag/vixen-type of relationship could work, we’re living proof that it does. We’ve been together for many years now, and we’ve been doing this since the start. If it’s something you think you’d like to talk to your wife about, I encourage you to do so. And if you need some help thinking about how to approach it, let me help you. All you have to do is click one of the buttons below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call for some hot wife phone sex. I’ll be happy to help you figure out a game plan or just roleplay a hot session with you. Whichever you prefer is fine with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Sissy Cuckold Phone Sex: Feminization And Cuckolding

sissy cuckold phone sex
Hello to all you sissy cuckold phone sex guys out there! How are you today? Are you ready to be cucked within an inch of your life and also feminized beforehand? Are you sure you can handle it? If so, come on in, and let’s talk some more.

You Need Feminization First

Of course, we’ll start with the feminization phone sex part of this fantasy first. I am not the girliest of girly-girls out there, but I can put together a nice outfit and make you look as cute (or as slutty) as you want. That won’t be a problem at all.

Let’s start by choosing the perfect pair of panties. What’s your favorite color? I ask because, once I know what it is, I can select the right pair in that shade for you.

The next step in this sissy cuckold phone sex fantasy is to get the rest of your lingerie together. This can include things like bras, corsets, slips, stockings, pantyhose, what have you. Whatever else we want to put underneath your main outfit falls into this category.

Then, finally, we need to choose a dress for you or a nice blouse and skirt. After we’ve got you all set up there, we’ll finish the ensemble with a sexy pair of high heels. What do you think?

The Cuckolding Part

Once you’re all dressed up, it’s time for the cuckolding part of this sissy cuckold phone sex fantasy. Not to worry, I already have the perfect big Black bull in mind. Yes, he’s a sexy Black guy so that you can enjoy some big Black cock phone sex today. Doesn’t that sound nice? It certainly does to me!

I’ll let you kneel next to my bed wearing your feminine outfit. Then, you can watch as that BBC rams me and makes me feel sooooo good. I love cuckold phone sex in all its forms, but there’s something about interracial cuckold phone sex that just really does it for me. Watch that huge Black dick slide in and out of all three of my holes, and watch the expression on my face as I enjoy it!

I love being filled in this way. And only a true BBC can really do it. So watch, little sissy cuckold phone sex slut, and know that you will never be able to satisfy me like this with your little white weenie.

What Sissy Cuckold Phone Sex Means

Here’s something you should know about sissy cuckold phone sex with me: I expect you to do some work, not just sit there in your dress and look pretty. I want to see you leave lipstick rings around his cock as you act as the fluffer for me. I also want you to be the creampie cleanup phone sex slut. You’ll be licking up every drop of his cum out of my holes. I hope you’re ready for that!

If you do a good job and also get lucky, I might let you jerk off into those panties you’re wearing after we’re finished. That should get my bull and me a good laugh, at least! Of course, you’ll have to lick all the cum out of the crotch of said panties, but at least you’ll get to spew your little load, right?

If you’re ready for some hot sissy cuckold phone sex with me, Miss Adrienne, you know what to do, don’t you? Just click one of the buttons below right now to give me a call. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you, feminizing you, and cuckolding you. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give it a click! I’ll talk to you soon!

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CBT Phone Sex: A Cuckold’s Assignment

cbt phone sex
Have you ever tried CBT phone sex as a cuckold? If not, then I’m here to tell you that you’re missing out! I know a lot of you are probably intimidated by CBT and ballbusting phone sex, but you need not be. Cocks like yours deserve a little abuse, after all.

CBT & Ballbusting For Cuckolds

A cuckold phone sex slut like you generally has a pretty uninspiring dick. It’s either too small, can’t stay up long enough, cums too quickly, or some combination of the above. Whatever the problem, it’s useless to me as a sexual body part.

So what’s a beautiful lady like me to do with such a worthless cock? Well, I say CBT phone sex is always the right choice. A cuckold who has a dick that has something wrong with it–or even just a dick he doesn’t know how to use properly–has to be good for something. Entertaining me with his pain does indeed count as being good for something. I know how badly you want to please me, and you submitting to CBT and ballbusting would definitely do just that. So why not give it a try at least once? You may find that your pathetic genitalia prefers such rough treatment!

Only one way to find out, right? Don’t knock it til you try it, etc., etc.

Your CBT Phone Sex Assignment For Me

So I’m going to give you an assignment today. I want you to go find some porn. Any kind of porn will do. But cuckold porn, of course, is best. However, I’ll leave it up to you what you want to watch today because I understand you’re not always in the mood for the exact same thing every time.

Here’s what you’re going to do for me. You’re going to get naked and sit down in front of your computer, tablet, or phone. Then, you’re going to choose a porno that will arouse you and turn it on. I want you to watch it very carefully. Every time a cock that’s bigger than your little cuckold dick appears on the screen, I want you to smack yourself in the cock and balls. Every time someone sucks a cock bigger than yours–be it the woman or the cuckold–you have to smack yourself in the cock and balls three times.

In between smacks, you’re free to stroke as you wish. I don’t want you to cum, though, until you have watched the entire video and smacked yourself the appropriate number of times. You can do that for me, can’t you?

Learning To Love Cock & Ball Torture

You never know what you might discover about yourself through this CBT phone sex learning process. You may find that you love cock and ball torture. You may start calling me for it regularly, as you know this mature phone sex lady both loves CBT and is amazing at it.

You may come to want to incorporate CBT into your cuckold phone sex fantasies. Imagine having me or my bull kick you in the nuts every time he gives me an orgasm or something like that. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I certainly think so!

So if you’re interested in CBT phone sex or want to try it out just once, the above assignment is for you. I think you’ll find that you enjoy it more than you’ve ever imagined you would. And if not, you’ve lost nothing but a little bit of time.

But if you do this assignment and it turns out you do enjoy CBT, then you should give me a call and get your very own individually tailored cock and ball torture session with me, Miss Adrienne. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Cum Eating Phone Sex: Learn To Eat Your Own Cum For Me

cum eating phone sex
One of the most important skills a cuckold can have is that of cum eating phone sex. Learning to eat your own cum for me is a must, especially if you hope to be good at creampie cleanup phone sex someday.

But I know, some of you are not so keen on the idea. I understand that it can be daunting at first, but think of it this way: You don’t have to eat an entire load to start with. This, I think, is the biggest mistake that guys make in the beginning. They think they have to consume the whole thing the first time, right off the bat, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

An Easy Introduction Into Cum Eating Phone Sex

Yes, I’m telling you right now, the first time you try eating your own cum, you don’t have to eat every drop of it. That’ll come in time. You can consider it a win if you just taste it the first few times. That’ll help you get used to the taste of it so that cum eating phone sex becomes easier.

Once you do that, the rest is simple. You just starting tasting more and more of it with each subsequent try, until you get to the point that you’re eating it all, every time. Once you get over the initial hurdle, I promise, it’ll be so much easier.

CEI: Cum Eating Instructions For Cuckolds

As a cuckold phone sex slut, it is, as I mentioned above, very important for you to be able to eat your own cum. If you can’t, you’re probably not going to be able to take care of one a cuck’s most important duties: creampie cleanup. If you can’t eat your own cum, you won’t be able to eat another man’s, either, so it’s best that you start by learning on yourself.

A good way to do this is to get yourself some unlubed condoms and jerk off while wearing them. Then, after you cum, you can (carefully) remove the condom and use your mouth to get all of the cum out of it. This is great creampie phone sex practice because it teaches you to really get into the nooks and crannies and get every drop of it. Which is exactly what you’ll need to do when you get put on creampie cleanup duty for your favorite Cuckoldress.

Learn To Eat Your Cum For Creampie Cleanup Duty

Another good way to learn to eat your cum for creampie cleanup duty is to eat it off of a beautiful woman’s body. I’ll even be kind enough to volunteer my own lovely body for you to lick your cum off of. Maybe I’ll give you a nice tit-fucking and let you cum all over my boobs and eat it off. Or if you’re a foot guy, I could give you a footjob and let you clean me up with your lips and tongue. There are all kinds of possibilities for this sort of thing.

I’m really looking forward to doing some CEI phone sex (cum eating instructions) with you. It’ll really help you in your journey to become a good creampie cleanup boy, I promise. And plus, it’s just fun to have you eat your own cum for me!

So if you’d like to try some cum eating phone sex with your favorite mature phone sex Goddess, you know what to do! Just click one of the buttons below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call right now. I can’t wait to hear from you and get started teaching you to eat your own cum for me. Talk soon!

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