Size Queen Phone Sex: A Cuckoldress’s Confessions

size queen phone sex
So you’ve been anxiously awaiting this post, haven’t you, the confessions of a true size Queen phone sex Goddess? Well, you don’t have to wait any more, sweetheart. Here it is, live and in living color!

You’re Not Ready For This Shocker About Dick Size

I’m going to tell all you would-be cuckolds and stags something you’re probably not ready to hear. But it’s the truth, and you deserve to hear the truth. Everyone else has lied to you, guys, but Miss Adrienne is about to spit some cold, hard truth to you.

The truth of the matter is, just because you have a big dick doesn’t mean you’re good at sex.

Everyone thinks that size is the deciding factor, but it’s not. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I want to fuck a small dick. I don’t. But what I do want is someone who has a large dick who also knows how to use it. It’s possible to be blessed by the Lord, as it were, and still have no clue what you’re doing with it. Usually, these poor souls can be taught, luckily, but I’m not always in the mood to teach, you know? Sometimes, I just want to lie back and enjoy myself.

More Size Queen Phone Sex Truths

Now, just having a big dick doesn’t make you good at sex. However, does that mean that you can be badly-endowed and be good at sex? Well, quite frankly, no. You need to have a reasonable amount of dick to be considered good at it. But “a reasonable amount” counts as about six inches. Mind you, that’s a little small for my taste, but those of you with average cock sizes can rejoice: You can be considered good at sex by someone who’s not a size Queen phone sex Goddess like me. But if you want to be considered good at it by yours truly, you gotta bring at least seven inches. That’s just how it is.

But in addition to having a seven inch plus dick and being able to wield your sword well, you’ve also got to be devoid of any dick defects that might hamper your performance. So that means if you struggle with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or anything like that, you cannot be considered good at sex, either, even if your dick is a nice size and you know what you’re doing with it. Go get your medical issues checked out and sorted out, though, and you can find yourself back in the “good at it” category.

Cuckolds, You Are Not Totally Useless

Now that I’ve laid out what makes a man good at fucking, I feel like I should take a moment to say that all you cuckold phone sex guys are not totally hopeless. I mean, no, if you have a small dick and/or don’t know what you’re doing with it, I’m not going to fuck you. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a role to play in the bedroom of a hot wife phone sex Goddess like me.

You can be the creampie cleanup boy, for instance, or the fluffer boy. You can be a sissy cuckold that my bull and I can laugh at. Or possible a chastity cuckold. Or even better, a diaper cuckold. Those are the funniest ones of all!

Would you like to hear some more confessions of a size Queen phone sex lady like myself? If so, click one of the buttons below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call for some hot phone sex fun. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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Size Queen Phone Sex: The Baddest Bitch At The Swingers’ Party!

size queen phone sex
Hey there, size queen phone sex lovers! It’s me, Miss Adrienne, the Supreme Size Queen of the South, here to talk to you today about the swingers’ party I went to this past weekend.

It was the biggest party we’d had in years, since before Covid, actually. All of our regular partners were there, and then some! This hot wife phone sex Goddess was in her element, let me tell you!

All the guys gathered ’round at one point for a gangbang. Everyone knew I was the biggest size queen there, and so I was the one who was put up to being the centerpiece. Not that I minded, of course!

I took every cock that was offered to me, guys. There were at least twenty of them, possibly more, since I lost count about halfway through. They all stepped up and took turns with my mouth, my pussy, and my ass. My husband even joined in this time, although usually, he prefers to watch when there’s a gangbang going on.

You cuckold phone sex lovers would’ve gone nuts if you had seen the size of some of those dicks I took that night! They were average size all the way up to mega size. The largest one, I’d wager, was about 13 inches. It’s one of the biggest ones I’ve ever seen, and I was happy to take it in all three holes!

So if you’re looking for a size queen phone sex lady to help make all your size queen fantasies come true, look no further! You have found the Supreme Size Queen of the South right here. All you have to do to make your fantasy happen is to click the button below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call. I look forward to hearing from you, so don’t keep me waiting too long!

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Size Queen Phone Sex: Give Me The Biggest One You’ve Got!

size queen phone sex
There is a certain group of women, many of whom I am friendly with, who know what they want and how to get it. They won’t settle for anything less. These are the ladies for whom size queen phone sex is their favorite thing.

A lot of cuckold phone sex sluts flock to ladies like me who love big cocks, for obvious reasons. But one doesn’t have to have even a single cuck in order to be a size queen. All you have to do is love big cock!

For me, the only acceptable cock is eight inches and up. My husband is eight inches himself, and I still cuckold him for larger cocks. (Not that he minds!) Eight inches is bare minimum for me. Anything bigger than that is even better.

But don’t think for a moment that length is the only thing that factors into it. I demand thickness as well. No pencil dicks allowed here! If you can fit that thing into a toilet paper roll, it’s too small.

As you can imagine, my quest for big dick leads to a lot of sexy hot wife phone sex stories that I would be more than happy to share with you when you give me a call. It’s an adventurous life, but somebody’s got to live it!

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click one of the buttons below to give Miss Adrienne a call for some smoking hot size queen phone sex. You’ll be so glad you did!

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Size Queen Phone Sex: I Love Big Cock!

size queen phone sex
Hey there. Are you a man with a big cock, looking for the perfect size queen phone sex MILF to bury it in? Well, sweetheart, if that be the case, you have absolutely come to the right place.

You see, I say that my specialty is cuckold phone sex, but that’s only partly true. My true specialty is taking care of big dicks like yours. The cuckolding part only comes into play when there’s a little-dicked wannabe male who wants to watch. But ultimately, what I am best at is being sure Alpha men are perfectly satisfied.

If you just want a hot wife phone sex roleplay where I take care of you and your big cock, we can certainly do that. If you want a cuckolding fantasy where we have a beta male in the room with us while we do our thing, we can do that as well. It’s all up to you. Whatever you want, I’m there for it.
I just want to take care of you and your huge cock and make you feel incredible. I have many ways of doing this, from my hands and big tits, to my mouth and my other holes. You can put it anywhere you like. Just let me know what you’re going to do beforehand, so I can expect it. 😉

Honestly, I’ve been craving a cock bigger than nine inches for quite some time. I’ve had bigger ones, of course, but during the course of the pandemic, I’ve not been able to have them. So now that I’m nice and vaccinated, I’m on the prowl once again, as a cougar should be.

So if you’ve got the requisite big dick that I’m needing, I can take care of you during some size queen phone sex. Just click one of the buttons below to give me, Adrienne, a call. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Big Tit Phone Sex: Play With These D-Cups!

big tit phone sex
You love a pair of big tits, don’t you? I know you do. Who doesn’t, right? I know I certainly love to play with some big ol’ titties….

Nope, my bisexual thoughts are for another blog. This one is about big tit phone sex. Let me not get too far off the topic here!

I have had big tits for a long time now. I wouldn’t know how to act without these big 36Ds. I wouldn’t *want* to be without them, really. I like to play with them myself, and I REALLY like it when someone else plays with them.

One of the reasons I first decided to hook up with my husband, back when I had only recently met him, is that he took so much time massaging and teasing my breasts. It was pretty much just outright breast worship. He was so good at it that I just HAD to know how good he would be in bed, even though his cock was on the smaller side of acceptable for this size queen. 😉

So if you can read between the lines of that little anecdote, you might realize that if you do a good enough job of playing with my tits and nipples for me, I might let you do something I wouldn’t otherwise let you do. Just keep that in mind, boys. 😉

I can’t wait to let you play with them, so don’t keep me waiting too long. Just click the button below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call!

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Cuckold Phone Sex: My Husband Loves It

cuckold phone sex
As many of you probably know, my husband is often away on business. That always gives this hot wife plenty of time to play on my own. But, of course, like any true pervert, he wants to hear all about my sexcapades while he’s away. That’s actually how I got into cuckold phone sex to begin with. It wasn’t a professional thing, at first. It was just me telling C. all about the naughty things I’d gotten up to while he was away.

To this day, I still do that. I tell him about all of my phone sex calls and all of my real-life adventures. He loves to hear about both equally, so I do my best not to leave anything out.

C. is not a cuckold in the traditional sense because I do still enjoy his cock from time to time. It’s on the low end of acceptable to me, so I do like playing with guys with bigger ones, but it’s not so small that I won’t still take a ride on it when he’s available.

The other reason he’s not a cuckold in the traditional sense is that sometimes I use him as a bull for my more pathetic cucks as well. I know, that can get a little confusing, but he and I are not really stuck on labels. We’re just kinky and like to get our rocks off in whatever ways work for us.

However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t do a more traditional cuckold fantasy with those of you out there who are too inadequate for size queens like myself. I know exactly how to handle men like you. All you have to do is click the button below to give me, Miss Adrienne, a call to begin your cuckold fantasy!

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