Auntie Phone Sex: Fun Times With The Nieces And Nephews

auntie phone sex
Hi there to all my Auntie phone sex guys and gals out there! How are you all doing today? Well, I hope. And I also hope you’re up for some fun, sexy times with your favorite Aunt, Aunty Adrienne.

A Sleepover With Auntie Adrienne

As Fall approaches (yes, I know it’s technically here, but this is also Alabama, so it’s not cool here yet), I keep thinking of fun ways to enjoy the seasons with my niblings. I’ve been thinking a sleepover with Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris might be in order. I want to invite all the niblings, not just one or two. We’ll have everyone there and have a great time together!

I was thinking maybe a bonfire in the backyard after dinner (after it cools off a bit) might be a lot of fun. We could all gather around it and toast marshmallows and make s’mores. Everyone would have a great time, and we’d eat s’mores til we were stuffed!

Of course, after everyone’s stuffed full of s’mores, they’ll start getting tired. I’ll be happy to help get everyone in bed.

Taboo Incest Fun

Naturally, at Auntie Adrienne’s house, no one is expected to wear pajamas. We all just go to bed naked, in anticipation of the activities that come later. Sometimes, when I’m in the mood for some taboo phone sex fun, I might come into your bedroom and play. Uncle Chris might even accompany me, depending on your proclivities. He is perfectly fine with me playing with you by myself, though.

But this night would be a special night. There’s no sense in everyone going to bed in different beds or different rooms. Why don’t we all pile into Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris’s big king-sized bed for some incest phone sex fun, shall we? I think we should.

I think with all of us there together, there will be more than just regular Auntie phone sex going on. I’m thinking Auntie/nephew, Auntie/niece, Uncle/nephew, Uncle/niece, cousin/cousin, and, of course, Auntie/Uncle sexy times. It’s going to be so exciting, everyone playing with each other and having a fantastic time of it!

What Do You Think Of This Auntie Phone Sex Idea?

So what do you think of this Auntie phone sex idea? Does it sound like fun to you? Because it definitely sounds like fun to me. I really want to try it out soon!

I think it’d make for a fantastic ageplay incest fantasy, don’t you? It’d be so exciting for Uncle Chris and me to coach our niblings on how to play with us and also how to play with each other. Just think of all the possibilities that lie within that idea.

So many cocks to suck, both big and little. So much pussy to eat. So many different holes to stick different appendages in. And so many different ways to play! I love it!

And to be entirely honest, I would love to play this little group sex fantasy out with you. If you’re not into ageplay, that’s fine, too. We can have another adult come and join us with the littler ones. Uncle Chris’s brother may need to come and visit, right? 😉

Or if you do enjoy ageplay, this is the perfect opportunity to play out such a hot Auntie phone sex fantasy with me. I’m really looking forward to making the most of this sexy idea. What do you think? If you’d like to give it a try, why not click one of the buttons below to give me, Auntie Adrienne, a call? I think we’re going to have a great time together!

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Mature Phone Sex With An Experienced Lady

mature phone sex
Hey there, mature phone sex lovers! Are you in the right place today or what? You’ve stumbled across the blog of the sexiest mature lady in the South, and I’m here to help you live out each and every one of your fantasies on the phone with me.

Yes, we can talk about pretty much anything you want. I say “pretty much anything” because you’ll find that I rather suck as a submissive. So if you’re looking for a submissive older lady, I’ll have to send you elsewhere. But if you’re looking for pretty much anything else, I can definitely help you out.

Do You Have Cuckold Phone Sex Fantasies?

Probably my most popular request is cuckold phone sex. And I’m good with that because I really enjoy it. I’m quite the size queen, so I love having big cocks while those of you with smaller cocks look on with envy. It’s pretty hot to me.

Of course, that’s not to say you won’t be invited to participate at some point in the course of the session. This mature phone sex Goddess would love to have you cleaning up her creampie, for instance, or being the fluffer boy. And if the circumstances are right, I might just like it if you put on a show for me and got fucked yourself! What do you think about that? Sound fun?

How About A Little Taboo Phone Sex?

Perhaps cuckolding isn’t really your thing. Maybe you tend more toward taboo phone sex fantasies. Well, that’s perfectly fine, my dear, because I can accommodate you, too. My absolute favorite taboo fantasy is Auntie phone sex, of course, but I can also enjoy others, like accomplice fantasies and truly any kind of dirty mature phone sex roleplay you can thinkn of.

Do You Like Big Tit Phone Sex?

Maybe none of the above appeals to you, either. Maybe you just need a big tit phone sex to suck you and fuck you until you can’t think straight. Well, guess what, sweetheart? I can do that for you as well.

A caveat, though: You’ll need a big cock to be able to handle me. This is especially true if you’re hoping for a titty-fuck with this big ol’ things. You wouldn’t want to get lost in there, would you? And as I mentioned earlier in the cuckold phone sex section, I am quite the size queen, so I’m hoping you will be well-hung for my pleasure.

Whatever your mature phone sex fantasy is, I can most likely provide for you. I want to make you cum as hard as possible (denial is not really my thing). And I’ll do damn near whatever it takes to make that happen. I want you to come back again and again, after all!

Tell Me Your Mature Phone Sex Fantasy

All it takes is one phone call to get in touch with me. Just click one of the buttons below and follow the instructions, and we’ll be connected in no time. When you get me on the phone, feel free to confess your naughtiest, dirtiest, sexiest fantasies to me. I would love to hear them, and if you get lucky, I might share some of mine with you, too!

We’re going to have a wonderful time together, I just know it. You and I will get along splendidly. All you have to do is just click to call, and you can get your fantasies fulfilled…just like that.

So what are you waiting for, darling? Go ahead and click. Don’t keep me waiting too long. I would absolutely love to hear from you!

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Auntie Phone Sex: You Caught Me, Nephew!

auntie phone sex
Here’s an Auntie phone sex for you, my dear. I thought of it just a few minutes ago and thought I would share it with you. You can read the post and then tell me what you think!

The Best Taboo Roleplay

I was thinking that perhaps I was by my pool, sunbathing topless, while Uncle Chris was out of town on business again. And you, my darling nephew, are home from college for the summer. You happen to be in the neighborhood, so you stop by the house to say hello.

You try knocking on the door to begin this taboo phone sex fantasy, but no one answers. You see my car in the yard, so you’re pretty sure I’m at home. So you decide to go around back and try your luck there.

By the pool is where you find me, topless, in all my big tit phone sex glory! You are stunned by how beautiful I am, with my long, blonde hair, my big boobs, my perfect body in just a white bikini bottom. But you’re also a little embarrassed that you caught me this way, too.

Your Auntie Phone Sex Fantasy Comes True

You weren’t expecting to see me like this, and you’re so surprised by it that you try to scamper away. Unfortunately for you, I hear the scuffing of your shoes against the back deck and turn around, catching you standing there.

“Hey, baby!” I call, not even trying to hide my luscious breasts from your view. “Come on down here and see me! I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long!”

Your face is bright red, but you’re not going to tell your Auntie phone sex lady “no,” so you come on down by the pool. You try to force yourself to only look at my face. That’s pretty hard for you to do, though.

We make small talk for a bit, and then I ask if you would mind rubbing some sunscreen on my back. You stammer a little, but you’re not going to turn down the opportunity to touch my soft, tan skin. So you squirt some sunscreen in your hand and start to rub it into my back.

I Can Tell Your Cock Is Hard

I can tell your cock is hard in your shorts. It’s hard to miss, after all. That’s a very nice one you’ve got there! You don’t yet know that your Auntie phone sex lady is a size queen, but you’ll find out soon enough.

I “accidentally” turn to face you as you’re rubbing in the sunscreen. Your hands land directly on my boobs. You pull them away as if you’ve been burned, but I simply raise an eyebrow at you, smile, and take your hands in mine, placing them right back on top of my big tits.

Ah, now you’ve got the idea. You start to massage the sunscreen into them for me. I let you cover the entirety of the front of my body in sunscreen before I reach to unbutton your shorts.

Such A Hot Aunt/Nephew Fantasy

Your cock is nice and big and hard when I pull it out. Just the kind I like! This Auntie phone sex roleplay is going to be a lot of fun, I think. 😉

If you would like some naughty taboo roleplay phone sex with your favorite mature phone sex lady, I would love to hear from you. I think we can have ourselves a really hot Auntie phone sex fantasy together. Aunt/nephew roleplays are truly the sexiest, if you ask me, so if you’re ready to get started, just click one of the buttons below to give Auntie Adrienne a call! I look forward to hearing from you!

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Auntie Phone Sex: You’re A Big Boy Now

auntie phone sex
Hey there! Are you looking for a little Auntie phone sex today? If so, you’re in the right place! Auntie phone sex is one of my favorite fantasies, and definitely, hands-down, my favorite taboo phone sex fantasies. So let’s explore it a little bit, shall we?

So here’s my roleplay phone sex idea for us. If you like it, we’ll use it. If not, I’m certainly open to other roleplay ideas.

I’m thinking you’re my nephew, and your parents have gone on vacation to celebrate a milestone anniversary. They want you to stay with Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris while they’re gone. You’re annoyed by this because you think you’re old enough to stay home alone, but they’re insistent that you stay with us. So begrudgingly, you agree.

Of course, Auntie Adrienne is so much fun that you can’t be annoyed long. I do all kinds of nice things for you and talk to you like the young adult that you are. I never treat you like a child, and that goes a long way, in your eyes, toward endearing me to you.

So when I come in the guest bedroom to check on you before I head to bed one night, it’s not a big surprise to me to find you masturbating there. You, for your part, are mortified that your favorite Aunt has discovered you like this, but I’m quick to reassure you that what you’re doing is perfectly natural and doesn’t offend me in the least. That pacifies you a bit, but you’re thrown for a loop when I ask you if you’d like some help with that….

So what do you say? Does that sound like an Auntie phone sex fantasy you would enjoy? I sure hope so, but if not, please share your idea with me because I would love to hear it. All you have to do to get in touch with your favorite Aunty is to click one of the buttons below to give me a call. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Auntie Phone Sex: My Favorite Roleplay!

auntie phone sex
Hey there, boys! If I had to choose a favorite taboo roleplay scenario, you know I will always choose Auntie phone sex. There’s just something about that Aunt/nephew or Aunt/niece roleplay that just gets me every time!

I know one of the things you’ve noticed about your Auntie Adrienne is that she’s definitely a big tit phone sex lady. And that, I know, you must absolutely love. I’ve caught you staring at them a few times. And the last time I did it, you saw me catch you, and I straight-up winked at you when I caught your eye. You turned bright red and looked away, but don’t think I didn’t know exactly what you were thinking. 😉

I’m thinking that tonight, I’ll come visit you in the guest bedroom, since you’re staying with me this evening. Uncle Chris is away for work, unfortunately, so he won’t be joining us. But I bet you and I can do a good enough job of having fun together without him! Besides, I’ll tell him all about it later.

I can’t wait to get a look at that cock of yours. I’ve only glimpsed it through your pants so far. You’ve got a nice bulge, though, so I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty impressive. I’m looking forward to getting my hands and mouth on that thing!

So what are you waiting for? If you would like a taboo roleplay phone sex session with Auntie Adrienne, you know what to do! Simply click one of the buttons below to call me for some hot Auntie phone sex! I can’t wait to hear from you. 🙂

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Auntie Phone Sex: How Is My Favorite Nephew Today?

auntie phone sex
Well, hello again, nephew. You’re here for your Auntie phone sex session, I’m guessing. I can’t imagine why I’d catch you masturbating on my bed otherwise. 😉

Speaking of which, I seem to be catching you doing that quite often lately. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were doing it on purpose or something. 😉

But no worries, let’s get right to it, shall we? I do so love this particular form of taboo phone sex, after all. It’s so much fun to play with my favorite nephew. And I know you enjoy it, too, don’t you?

Of course you do. That’s why you keep coming back for more. Now, scoot over and let Aunt Adrienne sit down beside you and see what’s going on with that hard cock of yours.

Ah, yes, I see. It’s very hard and already leaking precum. I bet you’d love it if I just reached out with my soft hand and wrapped it around that hard cock, wouldn’t you? You’d probably love it even more if I just dispensed with the hand altogether and went for it with my mouth!

But don’t worry, no matter how I start with you, you’ll get the full experience. I always give you that, don’t I? You never have to go without what you need when Aunty Adrienne is around.

So if you’re looking for an Auntie phone sex roleplay, then you have come to the right place. All you have to do is just click on one of the buttons below to give me, Auntie Adrienne, a call. You’ll be connected with me ASAP after you click, and then we can get down to the important business of taking care of my nephew’s hard dick. I’m definitely looking forward to it, so don’t keep me waiting! Call now!

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Auntie Phone Sex: You Are My Best Nephew!

auntie phone sex
Well, hello there, nephew. Didn’t see you there for a minute. I’m just here working out my schedule for next week. Oh, no, you’re not bothering me at all. I’d much rather do Auntie phone sex with you than sit here, cataloging the errands I need to run.

Yes, this roleplay phone sex fantasy of ours is just the thing I need to distract me from the otherwise mundaneness of today. Come on over here and sit in my lap, sweetheart.

Uncle Chris is not at home right now, so that means you and me have this whole big house all to ourselves. Doesn’t that sound lovely? I know it certainly does to me. Give me a kiss, darling.

Ah, yes, that’s it. You’re such a good nephew, and I love you so much. But don’t you think we’re both wearing far too many clothes? I know I certainly do.

Oh, I just love these naughty Auntie/nephew roleplays far too much. They’re such a nice little bit of taboo phone sex for me to engage in, and I just love it!

Now, let’s get out of our clothes and make our way up to the bedroom. I know you love Auntie Adrienne’s king-sized bed. We’re going to have a wonderful time in it together, I assure you. Come on and be a big boy, and let’s go upstairs!

Does this sound like the kind of Auntie phone sex roleplay you would love to be involved in? Well, I have good news for you, darling. It’s very easy to get a roleplay just like this one. All you have to do is click one of the buttons below to give Aunt Adrienne a call. You’ll be so glad you did once you have me on the phone, and I have you in my bed!

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Auntie Phone Sex: How’s My Favorite Nephew?

auntie phone sex
Well, hello there, nephew of mine. It’s time for some Auntie phone sex with Aunt Adrienne, and I couldn’t be happier about it!

Oh, I’ve been waiting for this for weeks. It’s my favorite taboo phone sex fantasy, as I’m sure you already know, and I just can’t wait to play it out over the phone with you.

We should start with some sort of roleplay set up, where you come to visit Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris. We always enjoy your visits, after all. You are our favorite nephew!

So later tonight, after you shower and start to get tired, I’ll show you to your room where you’ll be sleeping. And after you’ve gotten comfortable in bed, I’ll come back a bit later to join you. Want me to bring Uncle Chris, too? If you’d like to play with him, I’ll bring him along. If not, though, we’ll just leave him to his own devices, and the two of us can have some playtime together.

It doesn’t matter to me if you choose Uncle Chris and me or just me. As long as I get some quality time with my favorite nephew, I’m more than fine.

I’ll help you get out of your pajamas once I join you in bed, and I’ll let my own robe fall to the floor to reveal I’m not wearing a single stitch under it. How do you feel about that, sweetheart?

I know you like what you see. And I know this roleplay phone sex fantasy sounds like lots of fun!

So why not make Aunt Adrienne’s day and give her a call for some Auntie phone sex? All you have to do is click one of the buttons below to give me a call. I can’t wait to hear from you! We’re going to have SUCH a wonderful time together.

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Auntie Phone Sex: It’s Taboo, Nephew!

Hello there, nephew of mine. I’m ready for a little Auntie phone sex today. How about you?

Now, you’ll have to keep this between the two of us. Or between you, me, and Uncle Chris, I guess I should say. It’s very naughty of us to be playing together. I would go so far as to call it taboo phone sex. So if I were you, I would keep mum if you would like for our arrangement to continue. I suspect your parents wouldn’t like it all, for example.

But I trust your ability not to say anything and continue enjoying what we’re doing.

So what shall we do today? I was thinking I’d go lie out by the pool since it’s nice and warm outside today. Want to join me? I always sunbathe naked, since we have that privacy fence. You’ll love the view, and I’ll love having someone there to rub sunscreen on me.

Uncle Chris can come out and play, too, if you’re interested. He’d love it if you are. If not, though, he’s perfectly fine with staying in the house and leaving us to our own devices.

So what do you say? Are you ready to come over? I’m certainly ready to have you here!

If this sounds like the kind of roleplay phone sex fantasy you’d like to play out with Auntie Adrienne on the phone, you know what to do. Just click one of the buttons below to give me a call. I can’t wait to get started with you!

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Auntie Phone Sex: Every Good Nephew’s Fantasy

auntie phone sex
No taboo phone sex fantasy is complete without a little family fun. Or at least, not in my world, it isn’t. But as you well know, I have no children and have no interest in having any. So I have to set my sights on my sweet, innocent, loving nephews. Not that either of us mind this, mind you.

My favorite roleplay phone sex calls are always the ones where I get to play with my darling nephew. And I know you like Auntie phone sex as well. That’s why you’re here reading this blog post, after all.

So, honestly, it was no surprise to me when I caught you going through my lingerie drawer. Seeing you jerking off with a pair of my panties made me smile. Truthfully, I’d have been more surprised if you DIDN’T do that while my back was turned.

It also gave me the perfect segue into seducing you. A pair of nice, warm, worn panties is much better than a pair of clean ones. Here, let me show you. And while you sniff those panties with my fresh juices on them, I’ll go ahead and slip into something more…comfortable.

Oh, my goodness, we’ve found our way into the bed. How naughty of us. Whatever shall we do?

Well, actually, the answer is “Anything we want.” So why not give me, Auntie Adrienne, a call today? Just click one of the buttons below to give me a ring!

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