A Sleepover With Auntie Adrienne
As Fall approaches (yes, I know it’s technically here, but this is also Alabama, so it’s not cool here yet), I keep thinking of fun ways to enjoy the seasons with my niblings. I’ve been thinking a sleepover with Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris might be in order. I want to invite all the niblings, not just one or two. We’ll have everyone there and have a great time together!I was thinking maybe a bonfire in the backyard after dinner (after it cools off a bit) might be a lot of fun. We could all gather around it and toast marshmallows and make s’mores. Everyone would have a great time, and we’d eat s’mores til we were stuffed!
Of course, after everyone’s stuffed full of s’mores, they’ll start getting tired. I’ll be happy to help get everyone in bed.
Taboo Incest Fun
Naturally, at Auntie Adrienne’s house, no one is expected to wear pajamas. We all just go to bed naked, in anticipation of the activities that come later. Sometimes, when I’m in the mood for some taboo phone sex fun, I might come into your bedroom and play. Uncle Chris might even accompany me, depending on your proclivities. He is perfectly fine with me playing with you by myself, though.But this night would be a special night. There’s no sense in everyone going to bed in different beds or different rooms. Why don’t we all pile into Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Chris’s big king-sized bed for some incest phone sex fun, shall we? I think we should.
I think with all of us there together, there will be more than just regular Auntie phone sex going on. I’m thinking Auntie/nephew, Auntie/niece, Uncle/nephew, Uncle/niece, cousin/cousin, and, of course, Auntie/Uncle sexy times. It’s going to be so exciting, everyone playing with each other and having a fantastic time of it!
What Do You Think Of This Auntie Phone Sex Idea?
So what do you think of this Auntie phone sex idea? Does it sound like fun to you? Because it definitely sounds like fun to me. I really want to try it out soon!I think it’d make for a fantastic ageplay incest fantasy, don’t you? It’d be so exciting for Uncle Chris and me to coach our niblings on how to play with us and also how to play with each other. Just think of all the possibilities that lie within that idea.
So many cocks to suck, both big and little. So much pussy to eat. So many different holes to stick different appendages in. And so many different ways to play! I love it!
And to be entirely honest, I would love to play this little group sex fantasy out with you. If you’re not into ageplay, that’s fine, too. We can have another adult come and join us with the littler ones. Uncle Chris’s brother may need to come and visit, right? 😉
Or if you do enjoy ageplay, this is the perfect opportunity to play out such a hot Auntie phone sex fantasy with me. I’m really looking forward to making the most of this sexy idea. What do you think? If you’d like to give it a try, why not click one of the buttons below to give me, Auntie Adrienne, a call? I think we’re going to have a great time together!